Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I just submitted my final assignments for my (ugh) summer class. It has not been the most fun class that I have ever taken- but now I have almost two full weeks before I start classes again! yay!

Not that I can slack- I have got to work on this thesis and I just registered for an Arabic class (squeal) at the local University that starts in three weeks so, while that will be a ton of fun (does that make me a complete nerd?) it will also be a bit of work - one language class on top of two graduate seminars via long-distance and trying to write a thesis. So much for taking it easy!

1 comment:

loqi said...

Wow Arabic, that's cool. LT and I listened to this basic Arabic phrases CD that he got from somebody, and I had a really hard time learning the different sounds. I consider myself pretty good w/ languages, so I was really intrigued and will probably have to try my hand at learning a little more at some point.

Yay for two weeks of not having to attend class, at the very least, even if you will be busy. :-D