Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Good Day.

Yesterday, I had a fantastic day.

I drove to the Big City to meet an old friend that I hadn't seen in a very long time- we picked right up where we left off years ago. I think that's the way it's supposed to be with friends- no awkwardness, no phone smiles, just true feelings of happiness and appreciation. We drank coffee, window-shopped, ate lunch, talked books, and then ate cupcakes. Truly- it only would have been better if we were knitting together!

As it was, I sent her home with a piece of knitted goodness:

A Felicity Hat made of of Malabrigo. (Don't mind the iPhone pictures... I don't have Ranger Man's cameras any more to take good pictures, and my digital camera is so old that the iPhone camera actually has more megapixels- so y'all will have to bear with the cell phone pictures for a while).

I experienced a little bit of culture shock while waiting for Friend S. to arrive at the coffee shop in a rather upscale shopping center. It was quite a large coffee shop and it was pretty full, so there were many people sitting, sipping, talking... and they all looked the same. They all had the same color skin, the same types of clothes, the same hairstyles- it was very strange. It made me appreciate the Island and Georgia, where many different types of people might go to a coffee shop.

On the way home from the Big City I stopped at my Grandma's and had dinner with her.

Unfortunately, I seem to have caught a cold in the midst of all of this, so I will be spending the day curled up with a cat and some knitting by the fire (how idyllic!), blowing my nose.

Other than that, Webster and I are mostly adjusting to life in the PNW. We're trying to stay warm (somewhat successfully), and waiting patiently to move into our new apartment on the 8th.


Cookie said...

Oh please. It's focus and we can see it's a cute hat. What more do we need? :p

I'm so glad you had a good time with your friend. I hope the cold goes away soon.

Happy New Year!


Holly S. said...

Wow, are you a generous gifter or what?! Gifted Malabrigo!

I'm glad there are things to remind you that you're not in Georgia anymore. Columbus is a more diverse city that a lot of people realize.

Is this the grandma that visited you here and came to the knitting group? Tell her I said "hello"

Kitty said...

Great hat! Happy New Year!