Friday, December 21, 2007

From Aloha to Dixie.

So, I went from the land of Lattes to the spirit of Aloha. It's been a rough transition... and I swear I will never return to this Island once I'm done here in August.

After I'm done, here I'll finally be able to actually be with Ranger Man, not just have a phone relationship with him. And we're headed to the heart of Dixie! I already told him that I'm going to have some funny sort of accent going on- as hard as I try, I can't help picking up some Hawaii-isms, and my mom is Southern, so I pick up that accent really quickly...

So to prepare myself for this, I'm reading Gone with the Wind. It is a lovely break from all of the dry academic reading that I have to do for school, and... I'm afraid that a rather Scarlett-inspired letter made its way to Ranger Man. I'm not sure how it's going to react to that. Either way, I like it and I'm enjoying it...


Bette said...

Read some Flannery O'Connor and William Faulkner too, just to balance things out. ;-)

And happy holidays!

Kate said...

Thanks Bette! I need all the balance I can get... I've got eight months, so there's time for a bit of reading to prepare.